Friday, January 18, 2013

They're Comin fer yer Guns!! They're Comin fer yer Guns!!

Haha! I thought I'd give a friendly heads up to the Tea Party like I did the NRA ;)

Special Agent Neoconnery here from the ATF with a heads up. Just as Alex Jones, Jim “One-Inch” Yeager, and all of the other mentally ‘stable’ individuals have been warning the general public about for some time now, we are coming for your guns. I’ve been sent as a friendly face from the government to make first contact with gun enthusiasts on social networking sites so you can put a face to the liberal gun grabbers you told everyone about. Congratulations, you were right all along. Few listened and now it is too late, we are coming.

You and your cohorts have been predicting it, so it was decided that you deserve to be among the first to know that the nation is slated to be completely disarmed by the end of fiscal year 2014. Although it is plausible that it could be a little later, government red tape and all. The long of the short is that you only have a little bit of time left with your guns. We will be going door to door starting the first week in February and seizing all firearms and arresting all who are in possession. You may avoid arrest by turning in your weapons voluntarily before we get to your homes. Bow hunting and martial arts will remain legal for the time being, though that status will come up for evaluation annually just in case too many people are learning to defend themselves.

I have been ordered to inform you that it is useless to resist this public obligation via Presidential Executive Order. The military has grown so massive AND has weapons so advanced they are years, maybe decades ahead of the weapons you are being required to surrender. So it is fair to say that you don’t even stand a snowball’s chance in hell of successfully violating the new mandatory regulations. Attempts at resistance will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

Public announcements will be made in the coming days so there will be ample time to surrender your firearms and avoid arrest. If you have any questions there is an online form you can download and fill out. Mail it in and a response will be mailed back to you 6 to 8 weeks from the time it is received. If you disagree with government policy, we would very much like to hear from you. Please click on the following link and tell us exactly what you think:

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