Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Neoconnery™ Defined

ne·o·con·ner·y /nē ō känˈnər ē/
  1. The state of being a neocon - committing acts that define an individual as being a neocon, such as pathological lying, ripping off the taxpayers, screwing voters over or generally just being a giant dick.
  2. The act in which someone is being a neocon or has the characteristics or symptoms of a neocon.
  3. Presenting one's self in a manner that embodies the very essence of neoconservatism.

Neocons can be recognized by their fundraising attire, bad hair plugs, spray-on tans, failure to acknowledge basic human rights, and their Strawman vernacular. Use of terms like “nannystate,” “Islamofascist,” “Benghazi,” is common among neocons. They refer to others of their kind as “patriots” and their opposition as either “communists” or “union thugs.” For them, lying, cheating, and stealing aren’t just means to an end, they are a way of life as they seem to believe they are above the laws they wish to impose on everyone else.

Neocons are often found at Tea Party fundraisers and in corporate executive boardrooms, neocons ought to be avoided at all cost. If, however, one finds oneself unavoidably having a political dialogue with a neocon it is recommended you use facts and provable statistics and DO NOT under any circumstances engage their Strawman and Ad Hominem fallacies. Prolonged exposure to neocons has been known to cause neoconnery in others.